Where is the pink cloud

Not a pink, but a gray, or even a deep black cloud during pregnancy or after giving birth. This can happen to anyone and actually (happens) more often than you might think.

My head is spinning like crazy, I find it difficult to relax

I had pictured things differently

I do not feel like myself at all

I often feel sad and angry

I am terribly worried about my baby

A young mother crying while holding her new born baby

A young mother crying while holding her new born baby

A new phase

When you are pregnant or have recently given birth, you may feel bad or have strong feelings (of anxiety). This is not unusual: the hormones released during pregnancy and childbirth can upset you emotionally. The arrival of your child is a major event for you and your partner. It turns your familiar life upside down. In the first ten days after birth, most mothers (50 till 80%) are stressed.
They get angry easily or burst out crying. We call this maternity tears or baby blues. Baby blues will usually go away by themselves, but sometimes there is more to it than that. You might be suffering from postpartum depression. What is it exactly and how do you recognize postpartum depression?

14 out of the 100 women experiences depressive symptoms during pregnancy

13 out of 100 women get postpartum depression

Talking about your feelings really helps 

It can be good to talk about your feelings with others. Talking about young parenthood helps and can prevent gloomy feelings from getting
worse. It ensures that you understand each other and can be a step towards the right help. And you discover that you are certainly not the only one who feels this way.

What increases your risk of depression after giving birth?

We do not know exactly how postpartum depression develops. However, we do know which factors are involved.

  • Complications during pregnancy and birth
  • Previous depression or depression running in the family
  • Your child was born prematurely
  • Thyroid issues
  • Finding it difficult to say no
  • Lack of support from partner and loved ones
  • Difficulties getting pregnant
  • Accumulation of drastic changes such as a move / death / multiple births
  • Sensitivity to hormone fluctuations
  • High expectations and perfectionism
  • Single motherhood
  • You have had a difficult pregnancy or delivery
  • Overtired and exhausted
  • Difficulty talking about feelings

And how can those around you help?

This advice will help you get a grip on your feelings and take steps towards improvement:

  1. The first step is accepting that something is wrong 
  2. Take your feelings and complaints seriously. Accept that you are not feeling as you would like at the moment.

Talk about it!

  • Raise the alarm, talk about it with someone you feel comfortable with. Your partner, family, or a good friend. Tell her/him how you feel. It will make you feel better, and it will give them a chance to help you.
  • Tell them you are not feeling well. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance that your symptoms will diminish.

Take good care of yourself

  • Let your partner or someone you trust take care of your baby.That does not make you a bad mother. On the contrary, it shows that you are very involved. 
  • Take time for yourself and rest. With or without the baby.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Having a baby is a huge change in your life.

Seek professional help

Postpartum depression is very treatable. Don’t wait too long, but discuss your feelings with a midwife, maternity nurse, or your youth physician/nurse at the child healthcare center. They can help you on your way. Your GP can also advise you on the best course of action in your situation. The GP can also determine whether you are suffering from depression.

You can prepare well for the arrival of your baby

For example, by taking courses during and after pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy meetings in the local area. You will meet women in the same situation and possibly with the same feelings.
  • www.wellmom.nl.
    This app helps you to stay positive during and after your pregnancy.
  • www.howaboutmom.nl.
    This app provides information to guide you through your first year as a mother.
  • Online pregnancy courses ‘Baby on the way’.
    The courses are about pregnancy, giving birth and the period after giving birth.
  • Mamacafé.
    See if there is one near you. You can attend together with your baby. You will meet other mothers. It is very nice to exchange stories.

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